Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

66 Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind



Learning Tasks

Teacher Facilitation

Assessment of Desired Results



Framework for Teaching and Assessing Growth in Dimensions of the Habits of Mind (HOM)


  • To become increasingly vigi-lant to an expanding range ofsituations in which to applythe HOM.• To become more sensitive tocues from a widening range,variety, and number of situa-tions and environments assignals to engage one ormore of the HOM.

  • Build criteria for learners to carry internally thathelp them recognize new situations in which toapply the HOM; provide new situations and guidethe application of the HOM in these settings.•Use transfer strategies to help learners move theHOM to new areas, contexts, and domains.Sample questions:•In what other situations might it be important toemploy this HOM?• What cues were you aware of in this situation thatindicated to you that it would be appropriate touse _?• If you were to __, which of the habits wouldserve you?•What are some reasons a person might want touse the HOM of _ in this situation?•How might a use the HOM when ?• What predictions would you make if failedto use the HOM of ?

The student becomes more astute in theability to increasingly recognize, withoutprompting, when to apply the Habits ofMind.Growth in this dimension will be recog-nized by learners being able to.. .•Apply the HOM to new settings.• Recognize increasingly diverse, complex,and novel situations in which to apply theHOM.•Spontaneously draw forth appropriateHOM when confronted with ambiguous,perplexing situations.• Recognize a wider range of situations inwhich to apply the HOM.• Recognize novel and complex situationsin which to apply the HOM, withoutassistance.•Articulate the criteria upon which thesedecisions are made.• Describe the metacognitive strategiesemployed while using the HOM.
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