The Pieces of a C Program: Statements, Expressions, and Operators 83
More on True/False Values ..................................................................................
You’ve seen that C’s relational expressions evaluate to 0 to represent false and to 1 to
represent true. It’s important to be aware, however, that any numeric value is interpreted
as either true or false when it is used in a C expression or statement that is expecting a
logical value (that is, a true or false value). The rules for this are as follows:
- A value of zero represents false.
- Any nonzero value represents true.
This is illustrated by the following example, in which the value of xis printed:
x = 125;
if (x)
printf(“%d”, x);
Becausexhas a nonzero value, the ifstatement interprets the expression (x)as true.
You can further generalize this because, for any C expression, writing
is equivalent to writing
(expression!= 0)
Both evaluate to true if expressionis nonzero and to false if expressionis 0. Using the
not (!) operator, you can also write
which is equivalent to
(expression== 0)
The Precedence of Operators ..........................................................................
As you might have guessed, C’s logical operators also have a precedence order, both
among themselves and in relation to other operators. The !operator has a precedence
equal to the unary mathematical operators ++and--. Thus,!has a higher precedence
than all the relational operators and all the binary mathematical operators.
In contrast, the && and||operators have much lower precedence, lower than all the
mathematical and relational operators, although &&has a higher precedence than ||. As
with all of C’s operators, parentheses can be used to modify the evaluation order when
using the logical operators. Consider the following example:
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