Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
Ado...whilestatement is a C looping statement. It allows repeated execution of a state-
ment or block of statements as long as the condition remains true (nonzero). Unlike the
whilestatement, a do...whileloop executes its statements at least once.
Example 1
/* prints even though condition fails! */
int x = 10;
printf(“\nThe value of x is %d”, x );
}while (x != 10);
Example 2
/* gets numbers until the number is greater than 99 */
int nbr;
scanf(“%d”, &nbr );
}while (nbr <= 99);
Example 3
/* Enables user to enter up to 10 integer values */
/* Values are stored in an array named value. If 99 is */
/* entered, the loop stops */
int value[10];
int ctr = 0;
int nbr;
puts(“Enter a number, 99 to quit “);
scanf( “%d”, &nbr);
value[ctr] = nbr;
}while (ctr < 10 && nbr != 99);

Nested Loops ......................................................................................................

The term nested looprefers to a loop that is contained within another loop. You have
seen examples of some nested statements. C places no limitations on the nesting of
loops, except that each inner loop must be enclosed completely in the outer loop; you
can’t have overlapping loops. Thus, the following is not allowed:
for ( count = 1; count < 100; count++)
/* the do...while loop */

142 Day 6



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