Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1

Week 2 At a Glance

You have finished your first week of learning how to program
in C. By now you should feel comfortable entering programs
and using your editor and compiler.

Where You’re Going ..........................................................................................

This week covers a large amount of material. You will learn
about many of the features that make up the heart of C. You
will learn how to use numeric and character arrays, expand
character variable types into arrays and strings, and group dif-
ferent variable types by using structures.
The second week builds on subjects you learned in the first
week. It introduces additional program control statements,
provides detailed explanations of functions, and presents
alternative functions.
Day 9, “Understanding Pointers,” and Day 12,
“Understanding Variable Scope,” focus on concepts that are
extremely important to capitalizing on C’s assets. You should
spend extra time working with pointers and their basic func-
In addition to the critical topics of scope and pointers, on Day
8, “Using Numeric Arrays” and Day 11, “Implementing
Structures, Unions, and TypeDefs” you will learn new ways
to store information by using arrays, structures, unions, and
more. You will also learn more about working with characters
and strings on Day 10, “Working with Characters and
Strings.” On Day 14, “Working with the Screen, Printer, and
Keyboard,” you will take more control of printing and dis-
playing information.

WEEK 2 8







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