Arrays of Characters ......................................................................................
To hold a string of six characters, for example, you need to declare an array of type char
with seven elements. Arrays of type charare declared like arrays of other data types. For
example, the statement
char string[10];
declares a 10-element array of type char. This array could be used to hold a string of
nine or fewer characters.
“But wait,” you might be saying. “It’s a 10-element array, so why can it hold only nine
characters? In C, a string is defined as a sequence of characters ending with the null
character. The null character is a special character represented by \0. Although it’s repre-
sented by two characters (backslash and zero), the null character is interpreted as a single
character and has the ASCII value of 0. It’s one of C’s escape sequences.
228 Day 10
Escape sequences were covered on Day 7.
When a C program stores the string Alabama, for example, it stores the seven characters
A,l,a,b,a,m, anda, followed by the null character \0, for a total of eight characters.
Thus, a character array can hold a string of characters numbering one less than the total
number of elements in the array.
Initializing Character Arrays ........................................................................
Like other C data types, character arrays can be initialized when they are declared.
Character arrays can be assigned values element by element, as shown here:
char string[10] = { ‘A’, ‘l’, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘a’, ‘m’, ‘a’, ‘\0’ };
It’s more convenient, however, to use a literal string,which is a sequence of
characters enclosed in double quotes:
char string[10] = “Alabama”;
When you use a literal string in your program, the compiler automatically adds the termi-
nating null character at the end of the string. If you don’t specify the number of sub-
scripts when you declare an array, the compiler calculates the size of the array for you.
Thus, the following line creates and initializes an eight-element array:
char string[] = “Alabama”;
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