1: struct sale {
2: char customer[20];
3: char item[20];
4: float amount;
5: } mysale = {
6: “Acme Industries”,
7: “Left-handed widget”,
8: 1000.00
9: };
When these statements are executed, they perform the following actions:
- Define a structure type named sale(lines 1 through 5).
- Declare an instance of structure type salenamedmysale(line 5).
- Initialize the structure member mysale.customerto the string “Acme Industries”
(lines 5 and 6). - Initialize the structure member mysale.itemto the string “Left-handed widget”
(line 7). - Initialize the structure member mysale.amountto the value 1000.00(line 8).
For a structure that contains structures as members, list the initialization values in order.
They are placed in the structure members in the order in which the members are listed in
the structure definition. Here’s an example that expands on the preceding one:
1: struct customer {
2: char firm[20];
3: char contact[25];
4: }
6: struct sale {
7: struct customer buyer;
8: char item[20];
9: float amount;
10: } mysale = { { “Acme Industries”, “George Adams”},
11: “Left-handed widget”,
12: 1000.00
13: };
These statements perform the following initializations: - The structure member mysale.buyer.firmis initialized to the string “Acme
Industries”(line 10). - The structure member mysale.buyer.contactis initialized to the string “George
Adams”(line 10). - The structure member mysale.itemis initialized to the string “Left-handed wid-
get”(line 11).
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