6 Week 1
simple program. Day 3, “Storing Information: Variables and Constants,” builds on the
first two days by defining the variable types. Day 4, “Statements, Expressions, and
Operators,” takes the variables and adds simple expressions so that new values can be
created. This day also provides information on how to make decisions and change pro-
gram flow using ifstatements. Day 5, “Functions: The Basics” covers C functions and
structured programming. Day 6, “Controlling Your Programs Order of Execution,” intro-
duces more commands that enable you to control the flow of your programs. The week
ends on Day 7, “Fundamentals of Reading and Writing Information,” with a discussion
of printing information and helpful suggestions to make your programs interact with the
keyboard and screen.
In addition to all this material, you will also find several Type & Runs. These are located
between Days 1 and 2 and between Days 4 and 5. The program in the first Type & Run
will print your program listings with line numbers. The second Type & Run contains a
listing that will let you play a number-guessing game.
You will also find that each day ends with a workshop containing a quiz and some exer-
cises. At the end of each day, you should be able to answer all the quiz questions and
complete the exercises. Answers to the questions and exercises in the earlier days are
provided in Appendix F, “Answers.” For later days, answers are not provided for all exer-
cises because there are so many possible solutions. It is strongly suggested that you take
advantage of the exercises and check your answers.
You will cover a large amount of material in just one week; but if you take the informa-
tion one day—chapter—at a time, you should have no problem.
This book covers ANSI Standard C defined by ISO/IEC 9899:1999. It doesn’t
Note matter which C compiler you use, as long as it follows this ANSI Standard.
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