Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1

DAY 14


Working with the Screen,

Printer, and Keyboard

Almost every program must perform input and output. How well a program
handles input and output is often the best judge of the program’s usefulness.
You’ve already learned how to perform some basic input and output. Today you
will learn:

  • How C uses streams for input and output

  • Various ways of accepting input from the keyboard

  • Methods of displaying text and numeric data on-screen

  • How to send output to the printer

  • How to redirect program input and output

Streams and C ....................................................................................................

Before you get to the details of program input/output, you need to learn about
streams. All C input/output is done with streams, no matter where input is com-
ing from or where output is going to. As you will see later, this standard way of

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