Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1

Accepting Keyboard Input ..................................................................................

Most C programs require some form of input from the keyboard (that is, from the stdin
stream). Input functions are divided into a hierarchy of three levels: character input, line
input, and formatted input.

Character Input ..............................................................................................

The character input functions read input from a stream one character at a time. When
called, each of these functions returns the next character in the stream, or EOFif the end
of the file has been reached or an error has occurred. EOFis a symbolic constant defined
in stdio.h as -1. Character input functions differ in terms of buffering and echoing.

  • Some character input functions are buffered. This means that the operating system
    holds all characters in a temporary storage space until you press Enter, and then the
    system sends the characters to the stdinstream. Others are unbuffered,meaning
    that each character is sent to stdinas soon as the key is pressed.

  • Some input functions automatically echoeach character to stdoutas it is received.
    Others don’t echo; the character is sent to stdinand not stdout. Because stdout
    is assigned to the screen, that’s where input is echoed.
    The uses of buffered, unbuffered, echoing, and nonechoing character input are explained
    in the following sections.

The function getchar()obtains the next character from the stream stdin. It provides
buffered character input with echo, and its prototype is
int getchar(void);
The use of getchar()is demonstrated in Listing 14.2. Notice that the putchar()func-
tion, explained in detail later today, simply displays a single character on-screen.

LISTING14.2 getchar.c. Thegetchar()function
1: /* Demonstrates the getchar() function. */
3: #include <stdio.h>
5: int main( void )
6: {
7: int ch;
9: while ((ch = getchar()) != ‘\n’)

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