a,e,f,g float * A floating-point number. Numbers can be input in decimal
or scientific notation.
[...] char * A string. Only the characters listed between the brackets
are accepted. Input ends as soon as a nonmatching charac-
ter is encountered, the specified field width is reached, or
Enter is pressed. To accept the ]character, list it
first:[]...]. A \0is added at the end of the string.
[^...] char * The same as [...], except that only characters not listed
between the brackets are accepted.
% None Literal %: Reads the %character. No assignment is made.
Before seeing some examples of scanf(), you need to understand the precision modi-
fiers, which are listed in Table 14.4.
TABLE14.4 The precision modifiers
Modifier Meaning
hh Specifies that a following d,i,o,u,x,X,ornconversion specifier applies to an
argument with type pointer to signed charorunsigned char.
hh When placed before the type specifier d,i,o,u,x,X,orn, the modifier hhspeci-
fies that the argument is a pointer to a signed charorunsigned char.
h When placed before the type specifier d,i,o,u,x,X,orn, the modifier hspecifies
that the argument is a pointer to type short intorunsigned short int.
l When placed before the type specifier d,i,o,u,x,X,orn, the modifier lspecifies
that the argument is a pointer to type longorunsigned long. When placed before
the type specifier a,A,e,E,f,F,g,orG, the modifier lspecifies that the argument
is a pointer to type double.
ll When placed before type specifier d,i,o,u,x,X,orn, the modifier llspecifies
that the argument is a pointer to a long longorunsigned long long.
L When placed before the type specifier a,A,e,E,f,F,g,orG, the modifier Lspeci-
fies that the argument is a pointer to type long double.
Handling Extra Characters
Input from scanf()is buffered; no characters are actually received from stdinuntil the
user presses Enter. The entire line of characters then “arrives” from stdin, and is
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TABLE14.3 continued
Type Argument Meaning of Type
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