Week 3 At a Glance
By now you have finished your second week of learning how
to program in C. You should feel comfortable with C now,
having touched on the most important areas of the language.
There’s more to learn, however, and it will be covered in this
third week.
Where You’re Going ..........................................................................................
In the third week, you’ll complete your study of C. You’ll
learn some aspects of C that are new to you, as well as return
to some topics from the first and second weeks to cover more
advanced techniques.
After you complete the third week, you should have a thor-
ough knowledge of C. Day 15, “Pointers: Beyond the Basics,”
tackles one of the hardest but most powerful parts of C—
advanced pointer use. As on Day 9, “Understanding
Pointers,” you should dedicate a little extra time to the topics
covered. Day 16, “Using Disk Files,” covers a subject that is
necessary for most applications—disk files. You will learn
how to use disk files for data storage and retrieval. Day 17,
“Manipulating Strings,” discusses all the tools C provides for
working with text. Day 18, “Getting More from Functions,”
explores some advanced aspects of C functions. Day 19,
“Exploring the C Function Library,” provides details on a
variety of useful functions in the C library. Day 20, “Working
with Memory,” covers memory management in greater detail.
Day 21, “Advanced Compiler Use,” covers some odds and
ends of C, explaining such issues as command-line arguments
and preprocessor directives.
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