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Pointers: Beyond the Basics 393


Finally,multi[0][0]is an integer, so its size is, of course, four bytes.
Now, keeping these sizes in mind, recall the discussion on Day 9 about pointer arith-
metic. The C compiler knows the size of the object being pointed to, and pointer arith-
metic takes this size into account. When you increment a pointer, its value is increased
by the amount needed to make it point to the “next” of whatever it’s pointing to. In other
words, it’s incremented by the size of the object to which it points.
When you apply this to the example,multiis a pointer to a four-element integer array
with a size of 16. If you increment multi, its value should increase by 16 (the size of a
four-element integer array). If multipoints to multi[0], therefore,(multi + 1)should
point to multi[1]. Listing 15.3 tests this theory.

LISTING15.3 multmath.c. Pointer arithmetic with multidimensional arrays
1: /* Demonstrates pointer arithmetic with pointers */
2: /* to multidimensional arrays. */
4: #include <stdio.h>
6: int multi[2][4];
8: int main( void )
9: {
10: printf(“\nThe value of (multi) = %u”, multi);
11: printf(“\nThe value of (multi + 1) = %u”, (multi+1));
12: printf(“\nThe address of multi[1] = %u\n”, &multi[1]);
14: return 0;
15: }

The value of (multi) = 4206592
The value of (multi + 1) = 4206608
The address of multi[1] = 4206608
The precise values might be different on your system, but the relationships are
the same. Incrementing multiby one increases its value by 16 (or by eight on an
older 16-bit system) and makes it point to the next element of the array,multi[1].
In this example, you’ve seen that multiis a pointer to multi[0]. You’ve also seen that
multi[0]is itself a pointer (to multi[0][0]). Therefore,multiis a pointer to a pointer.
To use the expression multito access array data, you must use double indirection. To
print the value stored in multi[0][0], you could use any of the following three state-




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