Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
float square(float x); // The function prototype.
float (*ptr)(float x); // The pointer declaration.
float square(float x) // The function definition.
return x * x;
Because the function square()and the pointer ptrhave the same parameter and return
types, you can initialize ptrto point to squareas follows:
ptr = square;
You can then call the function using the pointer as follows:
answer = ptr(x);
It’s that simple. For a real example, compile and run Listing 15.8, which declares and
initializes a pointer to a function and then calls the function twice, using the function
name the first time and the pointer the second time. Both calls produce the same result.

LISTING15.8 ptr.c. Using a pointer to a function to call the function
1: /* Demonstration of declaring and using a pointer to a function.*/
3: #include <stdio.h>
5: /* The function prototype. */
7: double square(double x);
9: /* The pointer declaration. */
11: double (*ptr)(double x);
13: int main( void )
14: {
15: /* Initialize p to point to square(). */
17: ptr = square;
19: /* Call square() two ways. */
20: printf(“%f %f\n”, square(6.6), ptr(6.6));
21: return 0;
22: }
24: double square(double x)
25: {
26: return x * x;
27: }

408 Day 15


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