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Using Disk Files 455


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Listing 16.4 demonstrates the use of the fwrite()andfread()functions. This
program initializes an array on lines 14 and 15. It then uses fwrite()on line 26
to save the array to disk. The program uses fread()on line 44 to read the data into a dif-
ferent array. Finally, it displays both arrays on-screen to show that they now hold the
same data (lines 54 and 55).
When you save data with fwrite(), not much can go wrong except some type of disk
error. With fread(), be careful, however. As far as fread()is concerned, the data on the
disk is just a sequence of bytes. The function has no way of knowing what it represents.
For example, on a 16-bit system, a block of 100 bytes could be 100 charvariables, 50
intvariables, 25 longvariables, or 25 floatvariables. If you ask fread()to read that
block into memory, it obediently does so. However, if the block is saved from an array of
typeintand you retrieve it into an array of type float, no error occurs, but you get
strange results. When writing programs, you must be sure that fread()is used properly,
reading data into the appropriate types of variables and arrays. Notice that in Listing
16.4, all calls to fopen(),fwrite(), andfread()are checked to ensure that they worked

File Buffering: Closing and Flushing Files ........................................................

When you’re finished using a file, you should close it using the fclose()function. You
saw fclose()used in programs presented earlier today. Its prototype is
int fclose(FILE *fp);
The argument fpis the FILEpointer associated with the stream; fclose()returns 0 on
success or -1on error. When you close a file, the file’s buffer is flushed (written to the


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