Theftell()andrewind()Functions ..........................................................
To set the position indicator to the beginning of the file, use the library function
rewind(). Its prototype, in stdio.h, is
void rewind(FILE *fp);
The argument fpis the FILEpointer associated with the stream. After rewind()is called,
the file’s position indicator is set to the beginning of the file (byte 0). Use rewind()if
you’ve read some data from a file and you want to start reading from the beginning of
the file again without closing and reopening the file.
To determine the value of a file’s position indicator, use ftell(). This function’s proto-
type, located in stdio.h, reads
long ftell(FILE *fp);
The argument fpis the FILEpointer returned by fopen()when the file was opened. The
functionftell()returns a type longthat gives the current file position in bytes from the
start of the file (the first byte is at position 0). If an error occurs,ftell()returns-1L(a
typelong -1).
To get a feel for the operation of rewind()andftell(), look at Listing 16.5.
LISTING16.5 ftell.c. Using ftell()andrewind()
1: /* Demonstrates ftell() and rewind(). */
2: #include <stdlib.h>
3: #include <stdio.h>
5: #define BUFLEN 6
7: char msg[] = “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”;
9: int main( void )
10: {
11: FILE *fp;
12: char buf[BUFLEN];
14: if ( (fp = fopen(“TEXT.TXT”, “w”)) == NULL)
15: {
16: fprintf(stderr, “Error opening file.”);
17: exit(1);
18: }
20: if (fputs(msg, fp) == EOF)
21: {
22: fprintf(stderr, “Error writing to file.”);
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