about on Day 14. A stream associated with a disk file must be opened before it can be
used, and it must be closed after use. A disk file stream can be opened in either text or
binary mode.
After a disk file has been opened, you can read data from the file into your program,
write data from the program to the file, or both. There is three general types of file I/O:
formatted, character, and direct. Each type of I/O is best used for certain types of data
storage and retrieval tasks.
Each open disk file has a file position indicator associated with it. This indicator speci-
fies the position in the file, measured as the number of bytes from the start of the file,
where subsequent read and write operations occur. With some types of file access, the
position indicator is updated automatically, and you don’t have to be concerned with it.
For random file access, the C standard library provides functions for manipulating the
position indicator.
Finally, C provides some rudimentary file management functions, letting you delete and
rename disk files. Today you developed your own function for copying a file.
Q&A ....................................................................................................................
Q Can I use drives and paths with filenames when using remove(),rename(),
fopen(), and the other file functions?
AYes. You can use a full filename with a path and a drive or just the filename by
itself. If you use the filename by itself, the function looks for the file in the current
directory. Remember, when using a backslash (\), you need to use the escape
sequence. Also remember that UNIX uses the forward slash (/) as a directory sepa-
Q Can I read beyond the end of a file?
AYes. You can also read before the beginning of a file. Results from such reads can
be disastrous. Reading files is just like working with arrays. You’re looking at off-
sets within memory. If you’re using fseek(), you should check to make sure that
you don’t go beyond the end of the file.
Q What happens if I don’t close a file?
AIt’s good programming practice to close any files you open. By default, the file
should be closed when the program exits; however, you should never count on this.
If the file isn’t closed, you might not be able to access it later, because the operat-
ing system will think that the file is already in use.
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