Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
29: printf(“\nstrcmp(%s,%s) returns %d”, str1, str2, x);
30: }
31: return 0;
32: }

Input the first string, a blank to exit:First string
Input the second string:Second string

strcmp(First string,Second string) returns -1
Input the first string, a blank to exit: test string
Input the second string:test string

strcmp(test string,test string) returns 0
Input the first string, a blank to exit:zebra
Input the second string:aardvark

strcmp(zebra,aardvark) returns 1
Input the first string, a blank to exit:

492 Day 17

LISTING17.7. continued


On some UNIX systems, string comparison functions don’t necessarily return
-1when the strings aren’t the same. They will, however, always return a
nonzero value for unequal strings.
The ANSI Standard only states that the return value will be less than, equal
to, or greater than zero.


This program demonstrates strcmp(), prompting the user for two strings (lines
16, 17, 22, and 23) and displaying the result returned by strcmp()on line 29.
Experiment with this program to get a feel for how strcmp()compares strings. Try
entering two strings that are identical except for case, such as SmithandSMITH. You
learn that strcmp()is case-sensitive, meaning that the program considers uppercase and
lowercase letters to be different.


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