Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
10: /* Input the strings. */
12: printf(“Enter the string to be searched: “);
13: gets(buf1);
14: printf(“Enter the target string: “);
15: gets(buf2);
17: /* Perform the search. */
19: loc = strstr(buf1, buf2);
21: if ( loc == NULL )
22: printf(“No match was found.\n”);
23: else
24: printf(“%s was found at position %d.\n”, buf2, loc-buf1);
25: return 0;
26: }

Enter the string to be searched:How now brown cow?
Enter the target string:cow
Cow was found at position 14.
This function provides an alternative way to search a string. This time you can
search for an entire string within another string. Lines 12–15 prompt for two
strings. Line 19 uses strstr()to search for the second string,buf2, within the first
string,buf1. A pointer to the first occurrence is returned, or NULLis returned if the string
isn’t found. Lines 21–24 evaluate the returned value,loc, and print an appropriate

500 Day 17

LISTING17.12 continued



DOremember that for many of the
string functions, there are equivalent
functions that let you specify a number
of characters to manipulate. The func-
tions that allow specification of the num-
ber of characters are usually named
strnxxx(), where xxxis specific to the

DON’Tforget that C is case-sensitive. A
andaare different.


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