12: while (1)
13: {
14: printf(“\nEnter the string to convert (blank to exit): “);
15: gets(buf);
17: if ( strlen(buf) == 0 )
18: break;
20: d = atof( buf );
22: printf(“The converted value is %f.”, d);
23: }
24: return 0;
25: }
Enter the string to convert (blank to exit): 1009.12
The converted value is 1009.120000.
Enter the string to convert (blank to exit): abc
The converted value is 0.000000.
Enter the string to convert (blank to exit): 3
The converted value is 3.000000.
Enter the string to convert (blank to exit):
Thewhileloop on lines 12–23 lets you keep running the program until you enter
a blank line. Lines 14 and 15 prompt for the value. Line 17 checks whether a
blank line is entered. If it is, the program breaks out of the whileloop and ends. Line 20
callsatof(), converting the value entered (buf) to a type double,d. Line 22 prints the
final result.
Character Test Functions ....................................................................................
The header file ctype.h contains the prototypes for a number of functions that test char-
acters, returning TRUEorFALSEdepending on whether the character meets a certain con-
dition. For example, is it a letter or is it a numeral? The isxxxx()functions are actually
macros, defined in ctype.h. You learn about macros on Day 21, “Advanced Compiler
Use.” At that time, you might want to look at the definitions in ctype.h to see how they
work. For now, you only need to see how they’re used.
Theisxxxx()macros all have the same prototype.
int isxxxx(int ch);
506 Day 17
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