- Before you search an array with bsearch(), what must you do?
- Using bsearch(), how many comparisons would be required to find an element if
the array had 16,000 items? - Using bsearch(), how many comparisons would be required to find an element if
an array had only 10 items? - Using bsearch(), how many comparisons would be required to find an element if
an array had 2 million items? - What values must a comparison function for bsearch()andqsort()return?
- What does bsearch()return if it can’t find an element in an array?
Exercises ........................................................................................................
- Write a call to bsearch(). The array to be searched is called names, and the values
are characters. The comparison function is called comp_names(). Assume that all
the names are the same size.
2.BUG BUSTER:What is wrong with the following program?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main( void )
int values[10], count, key, *ptr;
printf(“Enter values”);
for( ctr = 0; ctr < 10; ctr++ )
scanf( “%d”, &values[ctr] );
qsort(values, 10, compare_function());
3.BUG BUSTER:Is anything wrong with the following compare function?
int intcmp( int element1, int element2)
if ( element 1 > element 2 )
return -1;
else if ( element 1 < element2 )
return 1;
return 0;
Answers are not provided for the following exercises:
4.ON YOUR OWN:Modify Listing 19.1 so that the sqrt()function works with
negative numbers. Do this by taking the absolute value of x.
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