Object-Oriented Programming Languages 647
Quiz ..............................................................................................................
- What are the characteristics of an object-oriented programming language?
- A function can be defined more than once with different parameters. This is an
example of what? - What keywords are in C but not in C++?
- Can C be used to do object-oriented programming?
- Does Java include all the features found in C++?
- Can you write a procedural program in C++ or Java?
- The printf()function is used to print in C. What command is used to print in
C++? - What command is used to print in Java?
- What command is used to print in C#?
Exercises ........................................................................................................
- Review your C compiler to determine whether it will also compile C++. If so,
change the compiler option on your compiler to compile for C++ rather than C (if
necessary). Recompile a couple of your C programs written earlier in this book.
The compilers included with this book will work with the C++ programs.
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