Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1

Bonus Week in Review

You’ve now finished this book! With the completion of the
bonus week you have actually gone beyond teaching yourself
C and have also learned about C++, Java, and C#.
More important than having learned about C++, Java and C#,
you have learned about object-oriented programming. On
Bonus Day 1, you saw that the promise of an OOP is the
capability to reuse code. You also learned that an object-ori-
ented programming language is characterized by polymor-
phism, encapsulation, and inheritance.
On the second and third bonus days, you learned about C++.
You learned that a class is the basic construct used by C++ to
create objects. Not only did you learn to define classes, but
you also learned to create objects using a class. In addition to
classes, you learned about a number of other features in C++.
You learned about

  • Inline functions—Functions that have their bodies
    copied to each call so that their code appears inline

  • Function overloading—The reuse of a function name
    with different parameters

  • Default parameters—Setting values that are used if a
    value is not passed to a function

  • Member functions—Functions that are part of a class

  • Constructors—A function that is called when an object
    is created using a class

  • Destructors—A function that is called when an object is








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