Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
Note: C++ uses the extension .CPP. You can write and compile your C programs
with a .CPP extension, but it’s more appropriate to use a .C extension.

  1. FILENAME.TXT would compile. However, it’s more appropriate to use a .C
    extension rather than .TXT.

  2. You should make changes to the source code to correct the problems. You should
    then recompile and relink. After relinking, you should run the program again to see
    whether your corrections fixed the program.

  3. Machine language is made up of digital or binary instructions that the computer
    can understand. Because the computer can’t understand C source code, a compiler
    translates source code to machine code, also called object code.

  4. The linker combines the object code from your program with the object code from
    the function library and creates an executable file.


  1. When you look at the object file, you see many unusual characters and other gib-
    berish. Mixed in with the gibberish, you also see pieces of the source file.

  2. This program calculates the area of a circle. It prompts the user for the radius and
    then displays the area.

  3. This program prints a 10×10 block made of the character X. A similar program is
    covered on Day 6, “Basic Program Control.”

  4. This program generates a compiler error. You should get a message similar to the
    Error: ch1ex4.c: Declaration terminated incorrectly
    This error is caused by the semicolon at the end of line 3. If you remove the semi-
    colon, this program should compile and link correctly.

  5. This program compiles OK, but it generates a linker error. You should get a mes-
    sage similar to the following:
    Error: Undefined symbol _do_it in module...
    This error occurs because the linker can’t find a function called do_it. To fix this
    program, change do_ittoprintf.

  6. Rather than printing a 10×10 block filled with the character X, the program now
    prints a 10×10 block of smiley faces.

830 Appendix F

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