Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
Answers 857


Answers for Day 11


  1. The data items in an array must all be of the same type. A structure can contain
    data items of different types.

  2. The structure member operator is a period. It is used to access members of a struc-

  3. A structure tag is tied to a template of a structure and is not an actual variable. A
    structure instance is an allocated structure that can hold data.

  4. These statements define a structure and declare an instance called myaddress. This
    instance is then initialized. The structure member myaddress.nameis initialized to
    the string “Bradley Jones”,yaddress.add1is initialized to “RTSoftware”,myad-
    dress.add2is initialized to “P.O. Box 1213”,myaddress.cityis initialized to
    “Carmel”,myaddress.stateis initialized to “IN”, andmyaddress.zipis initial-
    ized to “46032-1213”.
    6.word myWord;

  5. The following statement changes ptrto point to the second array element:


  1. The code is as follows:
    struct time {
    int hours;
    int minutes;
    int seconds;
    } ;

  2. The code is as follows:
    struct data {
    int value1;
    float value2;
    float value3;

} info ; = 100;

  1. The code is as follows:
    struct data *ptr;
    ptr = &info;

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