formatting, 11
forward slash(/), path names, 441
forward slashes (//), comments, 34
fprintf() function, 361-363, 370, 446
conversion characters, 362-363
printer output under DOS, 371-372
stderr stream, 370-371
fputc() function, 360, 451
fputs() function, 360
Frame class, windows, creating, 749-751
fread() function, 453-455
free() function, 577-579
frexp() function, 535
fscanf() function, 448
fseek() function, 460, 463
ftell() function, 458-460
function definitions, 32
function macros
#define directive, 602-605
versus functions, 605
function overloading, 634
function prototypes, 32
functions, 9, 30
abs, 536
access member functions, 680-683
acos, 534
arguments, 99-100
passing to, 114-115
passing to parameters, 108
asctime, 539
asin, 534
atan, 534
atan2, 534
atof(), 505
atoi(), 504
atol(), 504
average(), 525
body, 100-102
bugs, 102
by_ref(), 519
by_value(), 519
C++, 667-669
default parameter values, 656-658
inline, 658, 661
member functions, 670-673
overloading, 655-656, 686
calling, 101, 115-116, 406
recursion, 116-118
syntax, 101-102
calloc(), 574-575
linked lists, 420
case-insensitive comparisons, 494
ceil, 535
character classification, 809-814
character input, 450
character output, 451
clock, 541
comparing arguments and parameters, 107
copy_file, 468
cos, 534
cosh, 535
ctime, 539
defined, 98, 609
definitions, 100-102
delay(), 320
demo(), 110
difftime, 541
direct input/output, 452
entries and exits, 113
assert, 544-546
errno.h header file, 546
perror, 547
exit(), 330
exp, 534
external variables, modular programming,
factorial(), 118
fclose(), file buffering, 455
functions 905
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