Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days

(singke) #1
inline functions, C++, 658, 661
input, 338
devices, 338
keyboard input, 342
fflush() function, 355-356
fgetc() function, 346
fgets() function, 348-349
getc() function, 346
getch() function, 344-346
getchar() function, 342-344
getche() function, 346
gets() function, 347-348
line-input functions, 347
scanf() function, 350-358
ungetc() function, 347
redirecting, 368-370
scanf() function, 157, 160-161
streams, 338-339
binary streams, 339
equivalence of streams, 341
files, 339
input/output functions, 340-341
predefined streams, 339-340
text streams, 339
input fields, 350
input streams, 339
input/output functions, 340-341
installing Dev-C++, 882-884
instances, structures, 251
instantiation, 675
int type
conversion by assignment, 567
integer division, 569
shift operator, 583
intcmp() function, 553
integer variables, 157
integers, converting strings to, 504
Intermediate Language (IL) file, 772
internal clock, obtaining current time, 538
interpreter, Java, 642

iostream.h header file, 650
isalnum() function, 811
isalpha() function, 811
iscntrl() function, 811
isdigit() function, 811
isgraph() function, 811
islower() function, 811
isprint() function, 811
ispunct() function, 811
isspace() function, 811
isupper() function, 811
isxdigit() function, 811
isxxxx() functions, 507
iteration, 118


adding to Web pages, 760-761 sample program, 761-763
applications, compared, 759
HTML code in AppletTest sample pro-
gram, 761
skeleton of (listing), 759-760
applets versus applications, 643
AWT (Abstract Window Tooklit), 749
buttons, 754-758
event handling, 755
layout managers, 754-755
pop-up windows, 754-758 sample program, 756-
758, 777
PopUpWindow class definition, 755-756
shapes, drawing, 751-754
window elements, 754-758
windows, creating, 749-751
bytecodes, 642

910 inline functions

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