modularity, 9
modulus operator (%), 67
multidimensional arrays, 180
initializing, 184
pointers, 389-397
multiple indirection, 388
multiplication, shift operators, 583
multiplication operator (*), 52, 67
name spaces, Java packages, 643
Java class constructors, 733
of functions, writing, 106
arrays, 181-183
conventions, 44
pointers, 196
source files, 11
variables, 44
NDEBUG macro, 545
nested comment, 34
#include directives, 606
for statements, 131-132
loops, 142-143
structures, 254-257
while statements, 136-138
New Project dialog, 596
New Project Name dialog, 596
newline characters, 440
nmake.exe, 600
nodes, 417
not equal to operator (!=), 72
NOT operator (!), 82
null character (\0), 228
strlen() function, 481
NULL, linked lists, 417
null statements, 61
NULL value, fopen() function, 442
numbering systems
binary, 794
decimal, 793
hexdecimal, 794
NumberList program, 739-740
numeric data types, 45
numeric variables, 44-48
register keyword, 295
void pointers, 520
numerical data, reading with scanf() function,
numerical values, displaying with printf()
function, 154
o extension, 13
obj extension, 13
obj files, modular programming, 599
object code, 12
object files, 12-13
object-oriented programming, 9
object-oriented programming. SeeOOP
objects, 630-631
calloc() function, 574
cin, 660
circles, creating, 733
cout, 651
lifetime, 684
octal integers, 51
OOP, 9, 629
compared to C, 640
encapsulating, 634-635
encapsulating data, 635
inheritance, 636
918 modularity
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