- arCHitECturE as intErfaCE (^) | 299
system of data and decision flows as well as the flow of people and
human activity, to work simultaneously as interaction designers as well
as designers of physical space.
The age of space populated by integrated and interconnected devices
will require an important skillset, which can be labeled network under-
standing. Albert-László Barabási of Northeastern University observed,
“Today, we increasingly recognize that nothing happens in isolation.
Most events and phenomena are connected, caused by, and interact-
ing with a huge number of other pieces of a complex universal puzzle.
We have come to see that we live in a small world, where everything is
linked to everything else.”^28 Barabási applies tools of network science
to increase understanding of the way the information network of the
Web is structured and how it develops. The complex linkages of the
individual to a community, society, and a world are becoming mani-
fest through architecture. Beyond providing opportunities for efficient
communication and problem solving, this manifestation will change
the nature of our relationship to architecture. Network understanding,
or insight about the way elements exist in dynamic patterns of cause
and effect, will be needed alongside traditional architectural skills. The
hybrid design practice will incorporate network understanding along-
side knowledge of technical requirements for particular spaces for
human occupation.
Interconnectedness in the design process opens up opportunities to
invite stakeholders or “the crowd” into decision making. Hybrid design
practitioners will understand how to tap the wisdom of communities
through a connected design process. Design influence by consensus is
not new. It is often applied when projects require community support to
thrive. Christopher Day, in his book Consensus Design,^29 discussed the
benefits and pain of socially inclusive processes. A design professional
gives up control over project decisions, faces the challenge of getting a
group to align around the needs of a situation, and reaps the value of
the contribution of many voices to strengthen a project. This practice
requires leadership, social skills, and conviction in the outcome. Yet,
28 Barabasi (2003), http://www.barabasilab.com/
29 Day (2003)