Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

Take Advantage of Keywords

If you hit "Edit Profile", "Name" is the first area you will find. It is not the
same as your Username, which is what creates the URL of your Instagram
profile. It offers your page its name.

The initial 30 characters of your bio is made up of the name field, and it can
go a long way in your Instagram SEO efforts. When individuals run a search
for something on Instagram, it analyzes the words used in the Name field for
a fit. So, if your goal is to have a good ranking when it comes to Instagram
SEO, you need to take advantage of keywords that are significant to your
niche by including them in the Name field. If you can, try to include emojis
in the Name field as people tend to run a lot of searches on them.

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