Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

Tip #4: Brand sponsors

This seems like a no-brainer.

Brands will scour YouTube in an attempt to find influencers and channels
which are as popular with their core customers. Often, this leads brands to
approach YouTube celebrities and propose agreements in which these
celebrities will endorse their products in some way.

In some cases, it might be something as simple as being seen wearing a
specific brand or using some type of brand name product. Other times,
successful channels will openly push products by encouraging their
subscribers to check out a given sponsor’s brand.

This type of monetization tends to be done on the fringes of YouTube.
However, great care needs to be taken since openly pushing a brand or
product may be deemed to be a violation of policies. As such, it pays to
double-check guidelines in order to ensure that content posted does not
infringe said guidelines in any way.

One very important aspect to consider with sponsors: Channels are required
to openly disclose their relationship to that advertiser in such a way that
viewers are warned that they are endorsing a sponsor. So, it pays to do your
homework on this particular aspect.

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