Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

What about when things don’t go well?

Now, let’s assume that things aren’t going too well.

This is when you need to listen the most. Your customers will be happy to
tell you what you are doing wrong especially if they have been your
customers for a while. Perhaps you made some changes that didn’t sit well
with your followers.

Perhaps you introduced products that didn’t work out too well. Or, you might
have even decided to cut certain things from your value proposition. Other
times, there is content that just doesn’t work out.

In any event, your customers will be the first to tell you why things aren’t
working out. You don’t need to pay high-priced consultants. You can just ask
your customers. However, you must be ready to hear what they have to say...
and it might not be pretty.

Still, if you do actually pay attention, then you will certainly have a lot of
information which you can use to adjust your strategies.

A good rule of thumb to follow is the rule of three. If you hear the same thing
from at least three different customers that you are sure to have no way of
communicating with each other, then you can be sure that something is up
with your products, service, or just overall marketing efforts.

So, if things aren’t going well, it shouldn’t be a cause for frustration. It
should be a good opportunity to promote change and allow these negative
experiences to serve as lessons learned for future marketing efforts.

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