Chapter 7. Targeting
Targeting is absolutely the most skillful part of Facebook advertising. You
can test your images and copy until you have an optimized advertisement.
You cannot magically come up with the creative targeting that is truly the
secret sauce of a successful Facebook campaign.
I'm not really sure what you expected to get when you opened his book. It's
fairly likely that you expected to get a blueprint of how to advertise on
Facebook. I simply could have delivered that model, but I would have been
shortchanging you.
Advertising, in general, is a battle of wits, direct competition, and
psychology. None of those elements are unique to advertising on Facebook.
Because I really want you to advertise successfully on Facebook, we needed
to discuss our approach to advertising in general.
One of the main general business lessons we need to discuss is who your
customer really should be and compare it to whom your customer currently
is. I’ve never worked with an owner who had the level of detail of an “ideal
customer” that he or she needed in order to leverage fully Facebook’s
targeting campaign; so, no, you aren’t the one exception. Complete this
exercise with me and thank me later for improving your business beyond
Facebook advertising.