Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

Use Social Media to Personally Connect with Customers

and Build a Fan Base

Facebook has become a stomping ground for businesses and network
marketing. In just a few clicks, customers can be scrolling through your page,
checking out products and inquiring about purchases. Social media allows
you to quickly find out what kind of customer base is interested in your
business and weed out the people who couldn’t care less about what you have
to say or sell. People love getting to know the person behind the counter – the
face of the product. You can easily make a Facebook page that uses your
name with the name of the multi-level marketing company. You can promote
your Facebook page in order to get more ‘Likes’ and use your fan bases to
gain interest in products. You should update your page at least every other
day with news about your company, products, customer experiences, updates,
events, and chances to win products.

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