Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

testimonials trigger the mechanism of social proof: to follow the mass and the
opinions of those who make a public choice. Any advice to optimize

  • Use first and last name.

  • Make the testimonial traceable (email, site).

  • Choose a real image.

Above all, use a real, objective text without constraints. Usually, the
testimonials are born thanks to a request, but you must never push towards
testimonies that follow your criteria. Let the testimonial speak naturally: don't
influence. And above all do not modify the text.


Numbers are fundamental, especially when you use them to communicate
reliability and precision. They work well with statistics; here is an example:
73% of Facebook users click on the links. The percentage communicates that
there is a study at the base, scientific support. So reliable.

Using the numbers means knowing the numbers, telling the copy how they
were collected and which year they refer to. But above all, what is the sample
examined. To omit, for example, that 73% is aimed at American users in
2011 means taking the reader for a ride.


Here you play the reader's attention in social media and a good percentage of
clicks. So, you have to work on a good headline. But above all on a fair,
truthful headline, linked without compromise to the contents of the page.

The click baiting phenomenon has raised attention to a theme that has always
characterized the web: authors use deceptive titles to bring people to the site
and earn clicks. Do you know what this means? Rubbish. You have to work
hard on the titles, you have to find the solution to attract the reader's
attention, but your main objective is simple: to inform.

That is to give clear information on the subject that the reader will be able to
deepen in the text. Some researches leave interesting data: one of the best
solutions to combine clarity and effectiveness in a headline is the bulleted
list. The numbers allow you to work on clarity, even if you can't just bet on
this solution.

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