Uploading Your Data
Go to the Facebook Ads Manager drop-down menu. Select All Tools, and
then click on Audiences. This will bring up a new screen showing any saved
audiences you already have. In the upper left, there is a blue button labeled
“Create Audience”. Click on this button. You will see three options. These
are Custom Audience, Lookalike Audience, and Saved Audience. Select
Lookalike audience.
This will open a new window. You will specify the audience source,
Audience location, and Audience size. To use data you have for upload, you
click on Create New Source. There are two options:
● Custom Audience
● Custom Audience with LTV
We will explore the first option in the next part. In this part, we will select the
Custom Audience with LTV.
This will open a new screen which will say Create a Data File Custom
Audience with LTV. The top of the screen will show you information about
creating a file that you can use to create a lookalike audience. It will say
“Prepare a File with your Customer Data”. It will also show the fields that are
acceptable. The minimum that you need are:
● First Name
● Last Name
● Email address
This data is used to match up the people with their Facebook accounts. The
data can be in an Excel spreadsheet but the first column on the left-hand side
of your file must contain an integer that identifies the customer by row
number. In other words, your file should have some structure like this:
1 Jane Doe [email protected]
2 Patrick Jones [email protected]
3 Betty Boop [email protected]
Column 1 is the number, column 2 is the first name, column 3 is the last
name, and column 4 is an email address. A broker will know how to set this
up properly for you. Upload your file and name the audience. You will have