Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1
● Expand the audience

You’ll want to expand the audience. This is a new set of people that
Facebook gathers that match the people that watched your video in as many
characteristics as possible. This brings up a new screen where you can set
your parameters. These are similar to those used with an uploaded data set.
The first thing is to specify one or more locations to use to generate the

Then, use the sliding bar to pick an audience size. For the United States, if
you set the bar at 5, it creates an audience with 10.7 million people. The
values on the sliding bar indicate percentages of the population for your
selected location. You can select a percentage between 1% and 10%.

Now you can save the audience, and it will be available when you create your
upcoming ad campaign. When you’re in the audience, use “Saved
Audiences” to find and select it.

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