Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

You will notice an “Automatic Advanced Matching” option on your screen in
the setup menu. By turning on this option, the pixel helps match the hashed
customer data from your website to the users’ respective profiles on
Facebook. It allows you to track the conversions precisely and creates a wider
custom audience.

Enter your website’s URL and click on “Send Test Traffic” option to check
whether the code has been installed properly or not. Once the Facebook Pixel
starts to track, you must click “Continue.”

Step three: Track events

You must select the events you want to track using the toggle buttons. You
can either select from any of the present 17 events or create your own custom
events. For every event you select, you must select whether to track on inline
action or the page load.

Track event on page load: This helps track those actions that involve going to
a different page like when the sign-up process is completed successfully or
when a purchase is made.

Track event on inline action: This helps track actions taking place within a
page instead of opening another page like when a user adds something to
their wish list or their shopping cart on the website.

You can also set certain parameters for an event. For instance, you might
want to track the purchases made over a specific dollar value. If you want to
use Pixel for custom events, you must go to Facebook Events Manager, click
on Custom Conversions, select Create Custom Conversions, and define the
custom conversion event accordingly.

Step four: Confirm if the pixel is working

If you used the “Send Test Traffic” in the second step, then you have already
check to confirm that the pixel is working properly. However, before you
start to rely on the data generated by the pixel, you must check whether it is
tracking the data properly or not. Open your Google Chrome browser and add
Facebook Pixel Helper extension to it. This option is only available for
Google Chrome. So, if you use some other browser, you must first install
Google Chrome to start using Pixel Helper.

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