Karber UGW report.pptx [Read-Only]

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PRC View of Deterrence is neither Minimal nor Passive"

!Warfighting and deterrence are two major basic functions of the armed forces. What is termed deterrence is the military
conduct of a state or a political group in displaying force or showing determination to use force to compel the enemy to
submit to one’s volition and to refrain from taking hostile actions or escalating the hostility.!
!Strategic deterrence and strategic operations are dialectically unified. Strategic operations secure the strategic objective
through direct engagement with the enemy on the battlefield, with a view to winning the war or to curbing the war by war,
which the objective of strategic deterrence is to contain the outbreak of war or to limit the scope and the escalation of
war, with a view to curbing the war, and its strategic objective is attained by non-fighting means or fighting a small war.
Strategic deterrence and strategic operations are interacted, and their objectives are for attaining one’s strategic objectives by
frustrating the enemy’s attempts. Peng Guangquian and Yao Yo u z h i, Science of Strategy, (Beijing: 2005): pp. 213-214.

!With regard to the Second Artillery conventional missile strike campaign, it will be carried out under nuclear
deterrence conditions. Despite the fact that future wars primarily will be conventional local wars, in the global [community,]
those that have nuclear weapons are primarily nations with strong militaries, and have not promised no first use of nuclear
weapons; moreover local wars that erupt in the near future will implement nuclear deterrence many times.!
!The Second Artillery must successfully handle preparations for nuclear strike and nuclear deterrence, and must be rooted in
nuclear conditions or operations under nuclear deterrence conditions. Missile deterrence operations are the operational
activities to contain enemy strategic intentions or major military risky operations through the specific use of forces and
firepower from the Second Artillery conventional missile campaign large formation in order to demonstrate firm will and
formidable actual strength against the enemy side’s implementation of containment.!
!Missile deterrent operations are permeated with stratagem qualities and artistry. Their essence lies in the ingenious
selection of targets, ingenious choice of timing opportunities, ingenious use of forces and firepower, and the
ingenious application of operational methods. The campaign commander and the command organ must fully anticipate all
the situations that might emerge during the campaign, while formulating multiple deterrence operational methods and advance
plans. When implementing the missile deterrence operation, one should flexibly employ deterrence operational methods based
on the strategic intentions of the higher-level authorities and the dynamic state of the enemy side and make every effort to
achieve the goals of deterrence. Science of Campaigns, edited by É1)&/!}-(.)&/?!(Beijing: 2006): pp. 709-710, 727.
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