MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks
Compare Dates and Time This example shows how to compare datetime and duration arrays. You can perform an element-by-element com ...
A = datetime(2014,09,01,16,0,0,'TimeZone','America/Los_Angeles',... 'Format','dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss Z') A = datetime 01-Sep-2014 ...
Compare a duration array to a numeric array. Elements in the numeric array are treated as a number of fixed-length (24-hour) day ...
1 1 0 See Also isbetween More About “Array Comparison with Relational Operators” on page 2-25 7 Dates and Time ...
Plot Dates and Durations You can create plots of datetime and duration values with a variety of graphics functions. You also can ...
By default, plot chooses tick mark locations based on the range of data. When you zoom in and out of a plot, the tick labels aut ...
Line Plot with Durations Create a line plot with duration values on the x-axis. Then, change the format of the tick labels and t ...
View the x-axis limits. Since the duration tick labels are in terms of a single unit (minutes), the limits are stored in terms o ...
View the x-axis limits again. Since the duration tick labels are now in terms of multiple units, the limits are stored in units ...
t = datetime('today') + caldays(1:100); y = linspace(10,40,100) + 10*rand(1,100); scatter(t,y) Plots that Support Dates and Dura ...
semilogx (x values must be numeric) semilogy (y values must be numeric) stem stairs scatter scatter3 area mesh surf surface fill ...
Core Functions Supporting Date and Time Arrays Many functions in MATLAB operate on date and time arrays in much the same way tha ...
Convert Between Datetime Arrays, Numbers, and Text In this section... “Overview” on page 7-53 “Convert Between Datetime and Char ...
datenum or datevec functions, respectively, to convert a datetime array to the expected data format. To convert a datetime array ...
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes d 1x20 40 char t 1x1 17 datetime Convert a datetime array to a character vector using char or c ...
t = datetime(str,'InputFormat','dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss') t = 3×1 datetime array 24-Oct-2016 11:58:17 19-Nov-2016 09:36:29 12-Dec-2 ...
y = year(t) y = 2012 Alternatively, access the corresponding property, such as t.Year for year values: y = t.Year y = 2012 Conve ...
t = 1×4 datetime array 18-Jul-2014 18-Aug-2014 18-Sep-2014 18-Oct-2014 Subtract the origin value. For example, the origin value ...
Carryover in Date Vectors and Strings If an element falls outside the conventional range, MATLAB adjusts both that date vector e ...
Converting Date Vector Returns Unexpected Output Because a date vector is a 1-by-6 vector of numbers, datestr might interpret yo ...
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