MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks
Can we predict the US population in the year 2010? Fitting the Data Add supporting information to the text, including equations, ...
y=ax+b linear y=ax^2 +bx+c quadratic y=ax^3 +bx^2 +cx+d. cubic x = (years-1900)/50; coef1 = polyfit(x,pop,1) coef1 = 1×2 98.9924 ...
Now let's plot the predicted values for each polynomial. hold on plot(years,pred1) plot(years,pred2) plot(years,pred3) ylim([50 ...
Add controls to your live scripts to show users how important parameters affect the analysis. To add controls, go to the Live Ed ...
Accelerate Exploratory Programming Using the Live Editor The following is an example of how to use the Live Editor to accelerate ...
Calculate Fatality Rates The Live Editor allows you to divide your program into sections containing text, code, and output. To c ...
Find Correlations in the Data You can explore your data quickly in the Live Editor by experimenting with parameter values to see ...
xlabel(dataToPlot) ylabel('Percent Fatalities per Million Vehicle Miles') hold on xmin = min(fatalities.(dataToPlot)); xmax = ma ...
Based on this analysis, we can summarize our findings using a plot of fatality rates and urban population on a map of the contin ...
See Also More About “Create Live Scripts in the Live Editor” on page 19-7 MATLAB Live Script Gallery 19 Live Scripts and Funct ...
Create an Interactive Narrative with the Live Editor The following is an example of how to use the Live Editor to create an inte ...
Solar Time Show output together with the code that produced it. To run a section of code, go to the Live Editor tab and click th ...
The sun's declination (δ) is the angle of the sun relative to the earth's equatorial plane. The solar declination is 0 ∘ at the ...
Air Mass and Solar Radiation Include images to illustrate important points in your story. To include an image from a file, copy ...
AM = 1/(cosd(90-alpha) + 0.50572(6.07955+alpha)^-1.6354); sRad = 1.3530.7^(AM^0.678); % kW/m^2 disp(['Air Mass = ' num2str(AM) ' ...
Panel Size and Efficiency Let the reader change the values of parameters in the analysis to see how different parameter values a ...
plot(times,sRad,times,pRad) title(['Solar and Panel Radiation for ' datestr(date,'mmmm dd yyyy')]) xlabel('Hour of Day'); ylabel ...
end plot(date,dailyPower) title('Yearly Power Generation') xlabel('Date'); ylabel('Power Generation, kW-hrs') yearlyPower = sum( ...
Extending the Analysis Share your analysis with colleagues. Invite them to reproduce or extend your analysis. Work collaborative ...
Create Interactive Course Materials Using the Live Editor The following is an example of how to use live scripts in the classroo ...
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