MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks
For example, find the integral of the sqr function from 0 to 1 by passing the function handle to the integral function: q = inte ...
y = 48.1000 You can save function handles and their associated values in a MAT-file and load them in a subsequent MATLAB session ...
ans = 2.3333 Functions with No Inputs If your function does not require any inputs, use empty parentheses when you define and ca ...
c = 10; mygrid = @(x,y) ndgrid((-x:x/c:x),(-y:y/c:y)); [x,y] = mygrid(pi,2*pi); You can use the output from mygrid to create a m ...
function handles using a cell array or structure array. The most common approach is to use a cell array, such as f = {@(x)x.^2; ...
Local Functions This topic explains the term local function, and shows how to create and use local functions. MATLAB program fil ...
The local functions mymean and mymedian calculate the average and median of the input list. The main function mystats determines ...
Nested Functions In this section... “What Are Nested Functions?” on page 20-32 “Requirements for Nested Functions” on page 20-32 ...
You cannot define a nested function inside any of the MATLAB program control statements, such as if/elseif/else, switch/case, f ...
function nestedfun2 x = 2; end end Functions that return output arguments have variables for the outputs in their workspace. How ...
For example, create a function in a file named makeParabola.m. This function accepts several polynomial coefficients, and return ...
You can create multiple handles to the parabola function that each use different polynomial coefficients: firstp = makeParabola( ...
Visibility of Nested Functions Every function has a certain scope, that is, a set of other functions to which it is visible. A n ...
D(y) function B(x,y) % Nested in A C(x) D(y) function C(x) % Nested in B D(x) end end function D(x) % Nested in A E(x) function ...
Variables in Nested and Anonymous Functions The scoping rules for nested and anonymous functions require that all variables used ...
makeX end end See Also More About “Base and Function Workspaces” on page 20-10 20 Function Basics ...
Private Functions This topic explains the term private function, and shows how to create and use private functions. Private func ...
See Also More About “Function Precedence Order” on page 20-43 20 Function Basics ...
Function Precedence Order This topic explains how MATLAB determines which function to call when multiple functions in the curren ...
(^8) Loaded Simulink® models (^9) Functions in the current folder (^10) Functions elsewhere on the path, in order of appearance ...
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