MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks
Function Arguments “Find Number of Function Arguments” on page 21-2 “Support Variable Number of Inputs” on page 21-4 “Support V ...
Find Number of Function Arguments This example shows how to determine how many input or output arguments your function receives ...
switch nargin case 2 result = a + b; case 1 result = a + a; otherwise result = 0; end if nargout > 1 absResult = abs(result); ...
Support Variable Number of Inputs This example shows how to define a function that accepts a variable number of input arguments ...
In this case, varargin{1} corresponds to the third input passed to the function, and nargin returns length(varargin) + 2. See Al ...
Support Variable Number of Outputs This example shows how to define a function that returns a variable number of output argument ...
In this case, varargout{1} corresponds to the third output that the function returns, and nargout returns length(varargout) + 2. ...
Validate Number of Function Arguments This example shows how to check whether your custom function receives a valid number of in ...
Call testValues with too few inputs. testValues(10) Error using testValues (line 4) Not enough input arguments. Call testValues ...
4 npages = 2 Call mysize with too many outputs. A = 1; [fullsize,nrows,ncols,npages] = mysize(A) Error using mysize (line 4) Too ...
Argument Checking in Nested Functions This topic explains special considerations for using varargin, varargout, nargin, and narg ...
On the other hand, nargin and nargout are functions. Within any function, including nested functions, calls to nargin or nargout ...
Ignore Function Inputs This example shows how to ignore inputs in your function definition using the tilde (~) operator. Use thi ...
Check Function Inputs with validateattributes Verify that the inputs to your function conform to a set of requirements using the ...
Error using checkme (line 3) Expected input to be positive. checkme(pi,rand(3,4,2)) Error using checkme (line 4) Expected input ...
checkdetails(pi,rand(3,4,2)) Error using checkdetails (line 4) Expected input number 2, Second, to be an array with number of el ...
Parse Function Inputs This example shows how to define required and optional inputs, assign defaults to optional inputs, and val ...
defaultColor = 'RGB'; validColors = {'RGB','CMYK'}; checkColor = @(x) any(validatestring(x,validColors)); defaultWidth = 6; defa ...
Step 5. Parse the inputs. Within your function, call the parse method. Pass the values of all of the function inputs. parse(p,fi ...
printPhoto('myfile.jpg') File name: myfile.jpg Finish: glossy Using defaults: 'finish' 'color' 'width' 'height' printPhoto(100) ...
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