MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks
Exception” on page 26-19 and “Throw an Exception” on page 26-16. All are read-only; their values cannot be changed. The MExcepti ...
The cause and Correction fields are empty in this case. Each field is described in more detail in the sections that follow. Mess ...
You can also use this field to specify a multilevel component. The following statement has a three-level component followed by a ...
end id = MATLAB:narginchk:notEnoughInputs Text of the Error Message An error message in MATLAB is a read-only character vector i ...
The Call Stack The stack field of the MException object identifies the line number, function, and filename where the error was d ...
end ans = file: 'C:\matlab\test\mfileB.m' name: 'B2' line: 31 ans = file: 'C:\matlab\test\mfileB.m' name: 'B1' line: 9 ans = fil ...
end end There are two exceptions in the cause field of ME3: ME3.cause ans = [1x1 MException] [1x1 MException] Examine the cause ...
This example creates a function hello that requires one input argument. If the function is called without inputs, MATLAB produce ...
Method Name Description throwAsCaller Issue an exception, but omit the current stack frame from the stack field. Capture Informa ...
Throw an Exception When your program detects a fault that will keep it from completing as expected or will generate erroneous re ...
% 3) Store any information contributing to the error. if nargin < 2 causeException = MException('MATLAB:notEnoughInputs','Not ...
A = [13 42; 7 20]; idx = ['a' 'b' 'c']; indexIntoArray(A, idx) Error using indexIntoArray (line 41) Unable to index into array. ...
Respond to an Exception In this section... “Overview” on page 26-19 “The try/catch Statement” on page 26-19 “Suggestions on How ...
(shown here as point A). If all operations in the try block succeed, then execution skips the catch block entirely and goes to t ...
Having entered the catch block, MATLAB executes the statements in sequence. These statements can attempt to Attempt to resolve ...
% Check the number of input arguments. if nargin < 1 me = MException('MATLAB:notEnoughInputs','Not enough input arguments.'); ...
Display an appropriate message. Add the first MException object to the cause field of the second. Add a suggested correction to ...
Clean Up When Functions Complete In this section... “Overview” on page 26-24 “Examples of Cleaning Up a Program Upon Exit” on pa ...
(^2) Create a function handle for the cleanup routine. (^3) At some point, generally early in your program code, insert a call t ...
c = onCleanup(@()fclose(fid)); s = fread(fid); . . . end Example 2 — Maintain the Selected Folder This example preserves the cur ...
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