MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Comments above the definition have precedence over a comment next to the definition.

For example, modify the property definitions in the class definition file myClass.m.

a % First property of myClass

% b - Second property of myClass
% The description for b has several
% lines of text.
b % Other comment

View the help for properties in the Command Window using the help command. Specify
both the class name and property name, separated by a dot.

help myClass.a

a - First property of myClass

help myClass.b

b - Second property of myClass
The description for b has several
lines of text.


Like properties, there are two ways to create help for enumerations:

  • Insert comment lines above the enumeration definition. Use this approach for
    multiline help text.

  • Add a single-line comment next to the enumeration definition.

Comments above the definition have precedence over a comment next to the definition.

For example, create an enumeration class in a file named myEnumeration.m.

classdef myEnumeration
uno, % First enumeration

% DOS - Second enumeration
% The description for DOS has several
% lines of text.

30 Custom Help and Documentation

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