MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Check Whether the Contents.m File... Details
Exists If there is no Contents.m file in the folder,
you can create one from the report.
Includes all programs in the folder Missing programs appear in gray
highlights. You do not need to add
programs that you do not want to expose to
end users.
Incorrectly lists nonexistent files Listed programs that are not in the folder
appear in pink highlights.
Matches the program file descriptions The report compares file descriptions in
Contents.m with the first nonempty
comment line in the corresponding file.
Discrepancies appear in pink highlights.
You can update either the program file or
the Contents.m file.
Uses consistent spacing between file names
and descriptions

Fix the alignment by clicking fix spacing at
the top of the report.

You can make all the suggested changes by clicking fix all, or open the file in the Editor
by clicking edit Contents.m.

See Also
doc | help | ver

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