Customize Code Suggestions and Completions
To customize code suggestions and completions for your functions, provide MATLAB with
information about your function signatures. Function signatures describes the acceptable
syntaxes and allowable data types for a function. MATLAB uses this information to
improve interactive features such as tab completion and function hints. Define this
function information in a JSON-formatted file called functionSignatures.json.
For MATLAB to detect the function signature information, you must place
functionSignatures.json in the folder that contains the function code. You can
define signatures for multiple functions in the same file.
The functionSignatures.json file contains a single JSON object. JSON uses braces to
define objects, and refers to objects as collections of name and value pairs. Since these
terms are overloaded in context of function signatures, "property" is used instead of
"name." The JSON object in functionSignatures.json contains an optional schema
version and a list of function objects. Each function object contains a list of signature
objects, and each signature object contains an array of argument objects. JSON uses
brackets to define arrays.
To specify the optional schema version use _schemaVersion as the first property and
the version number as its value. Specify the version number as a JSON string in the
Customize Code Suggestions and Completions