MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
XML Tag Notes
<description> The description that appears on the main page for your
<website> (Optional) Link to a website. For example, MathWorks
examples include a link to the product page at https://

Categories Using

Optionally, define categories for your examples by including a for each
category. If you include any categories, then all examples must be in categories.

Each element contains a

Information About Each Example in

XML Tag Notes
<label> Defines the title to display in the browser.
<type> Possible values are M-file, model, M-GUI, video, or

Typically, if you published your example using the publish
function, the appropriate <type> is M-file.
<source> If <type> is M-file, model, M-GUI, then <source> is the
name of the associated .m file or model file, with no
extension. Otherwise, do not include a <source> element,
but include a <callback> element.
<file> Use this element only for examples with a <type> value
other than M-file when you want to display an HTML file
that describes the example. Specify a relative path from the
location of demos.xml.
<callback> Use this element only for examples with a <type> value of
video or other to specify an executable file or a MATLAB
command to run the example.

Display Custom Examples
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