MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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complete analysis, go to the Dependency Analysis tab and click Analyze > Reanalyze

For more information about running a dependency analysis on Simulink models and
libraries, see “Perform Impact Analysis” (Simulink).

Investigate and Resolve Problems

After you run a dependency analysis, the impact graph for the whole project appears in
Impact View. The project dependency analysis identifies problems, such as missing files,
files not in the project, unsaved changes, and out-of-date derived files. You can examine
problem files using the Impact View or the Table View.

Use the Impact View to investigate problem files graphically. The center of the view
displays the impact graph for your project. The right panel of the Impact View shows the
toolbox dependencies and a list of problem files.

  • To show only the problem files in the graph, hover over the Problems heading in the
    right pane of the Impact View and click Find All. To return to the full project view,
    clear the filter in the search box (for instance, Dependencies of "filename").

  • To see the details for a specific problem file, including the path, type, and problem
    message, select the file in the graph. To clear the file selection and see all problem
    files for a project, click a blank area of the graph.

  • To view the dependencies of a file, hover over the problem file and click Find All. The
    graph updates to display only the problem file and its dependencies. To return to the
    full project view, clear the filter in the search box (for instance, problem=='*').

Use the Table View to investigate your project dependencies and problem files as a table.
To use the Table View, at the top right of the Dependency Analysis view, select Table

  • To view the files with problems at the top of the list, sort the table by the Problem
    Description column.

  • To view the problems for a file, check the message in the Problem Description
    column for that file.

  • To view the dependencies of a file, select the file in the table. The lower pane shows
    the files that depend on the selected file. You can view either the Directly Impacted
    Files or switch to the Directly Required Files.

31 Projects

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