MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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Perform Source Control Operations

Retrieve Versions and Checkout Project Files

This table shows how to check for modified project files, update revisions, get and
manage file locks, and tag project files.

Action Procedure
Refresh status of project

To check for locally modified files, on the Project tab, in
the Source Control section, click Refresh. Refreshing
queries the local sandbox state and checks for changes
made with another tool outside of MATLAB.

For more information, see “Update SVN File Status and
Revision” on page 32-28 or “Update Git File Status and
Revision” on page 32-38.
Check for modifications in
project files.

To find out if there is a new version of the project in the
repository, in the Files view, right-click the file and select
Source Control > Check for Modifications.

With SVN, this option contacts the repository to check for
external modifications. The project compares the revision
numbers of the local file and the repository version. If the
revision number in the repository is larger than that in the
local sandbox folder, then the project displays (not
latest) next to the revision number of the local file.

Use Source Control with Projects
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