MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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(^1) On the Home tab, in the Environment section, click Preferences. Select MATLAB

Project and in the New Project section, select a Project definition files: option.
(^2) Create a .mlproj archive of the project. For more information, see “Share Projects”
on page 31-28 or export.
(^3) Create a new project from the archived project. For more information, see “Create
Projects” on page 31-2.
Run Project Checks
To run checks for a project, go to the Project tab and click Run Checks > Check
Project. The project checks for problems with project integrity such as missing files,
unsaved files, or files not under source control. A dialog box reports the results. You can
click for details and follow prompts to fix problems.
If you want to check for required files, click Dependency Analysis to analyze the
dependencies of the modified files. Use the dependency tools to analyze the structure of
your project.
For details on problems the checks can fix, see “Work with Derived Files in Projects” on
page 31-59, and “Analyze Project Dependencies” on page 31-38.
Commit Modified Project Files
After reviewing changes and running project checks, you are ready to commit your
modified project files to source control. This table shows how to commit modified project
Use Source Control with Projects

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